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Sebastian Sava Gor……………… Sebastian Gorenjak , rođen 1971 u Beogradu. Završio Petu Beogradsku gimnaziju u Beogradu i započeo studije prava koje uskoro napušta. Upisuje filmsku režiju na BK Akademiji u klasi Slobodana Šijana. Piše poeziju i kratke priče od prvog razreda srednje škole.

Izdao prvu zbirku poezije 2007. godine. Naslov zbirke je “ POLJUBAC ŽENE ZMAJA” u ediciji: “Gospođe iz Vinče” , glavni urednik knjige je Jadranka Ahlgren , Recezent Boško Mandić. Promocija knjige održana je u SKC-u 2008 godine.

Drugu zbirku, kratkih priča izdaje 2014.godine. Naslov zbirke je “NOĆ SLOMLJENIH STRELA” u ediciji “Mrak Štampa”, glavni urednik je Sebastiajan Gorenjak, Recezent Jadranka Ahlgren. Promocija knjige je održana 2014 u Leila Records, sa koncertom, autorovog benda EX EX.

Treću knjigu, autobiografski roman, prvi tom, izdaje 2021.godine. Naslov romana je

“EX-YU Sećanja”, roman se za sada nalazi u elektronskom izdanju.

Četvrta zbirku, zbirku poezije izdaje 2022. godine. Naslov zbirke je “Ishod Na Nišanu” u ediviji “Mrak Štampa”, glavni urednik je Milica Somborski. Recezent, jerođakon Aleksandar Subotić.

Ove godine ujedno postaje i član Udrućenja Književnika Srbije, UKS-a. U Narodnoj Biblioteci Republike Srbije, sebe zavodi kao izdavača.

U pripremi su knjige:

  • “Spontano Sagorevanje” – Zbirka Kratkkih Priče

  • “Epicentar” – Zbirka Poezije

Reditelj je kratkih filmova:
"Ubio sam Kurvu i Kurvinog Sina ! " aka "I'll Kill Whore and Son of a Bitch " ( 2002)
"Poslovni Kontakti aka " Business Contacts " (2003 )
" Dečko " aka " The Kid " (2010)

Iznenadni Srčani Udar (2015)

Muzikom se bavi od 2008 godine, sa bendom EX EX.




Sebastian Sava Gor……………… Sebastian Gorenjak, born in 1971 in Belgrade. Graduated from the Fifth Belgrade High School in Belgrade and began law studies, which he is soon leaving. He enrolled in film directing at the BK Academy in the class of Slobodan Šijan. He has been writing poetry and short stories since the first grade of high school.
Published the first collection of poetry in 2007. The title of the collection is "KISS OF THE DRAGON WOMAN" in the edition: "Ladies from Vinča", the main editor of the book is Jadranka Ahlgren, reviewer is Boško Mandić. The promotion of the book was held in SKC in 2008.
He published the second collection of short stories in 2014. The title of the collection is "NIGHT OF BROKEN ARROWS" in the "Mrak Štampa" edition, the editor-in-chief is Sebastiajan Gorenjak, and the reviewer is Jadranka Ahlgren. The promotion of the book was held in 2014 at Leila Records, with a concert by the author's band EX EX.
The third book, an autobiographical novel, the first volume, will be published in 2021. The title of the novel is "Ex-Yu - Memories", the novel is currently available in an electronic edition on the author's blog :
He will publish his fourth collection, a collection of poetry, in 2022. The title of the collection is "Ishod Na Nišanu" in the edition "Mrak Štampa", the editor-in-chief is Milica Somborski. Reviewer, Hierodeacon Aleksandar Subotić.
This year, he also became a member of the Association of Serbian Librarians, UKS. In the National Library of the Republic of Serbia, he introduces himself as a publisher.
The following books are being prepared:
     • "Spontaneous Combustion" - Collection of Short Stories
     • "Epicenter" - Collection of Poetry
He is the director of short films:
"I'll Kill Whore and Son of a Bitch!" aka "I'll Kill Whore and Son of a Bitch" (2002)
"Poslovni Kontakti aka "Business Contacts" (2003)
"Dečko" aka "The Kid" (2010)
Sudden Heart Attack (2015)
He has been making music since 2008, with the band EX EX..

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